Upcoming Women’s Conferences
Disciple Making For Women
Saturday, October 19, 2024
8:30am – 6pm
Location: Reigning Grace Ranch
28614 N 172nd St. Rio Verde, AZ 85263
Women’s Leadership

Brittany Collins Bio
Brittany Collins is a wife, mother of four, fur-mom to 8 pets, professional and a woman passionate about helping other women strengthen their walk with God. She was baptized as a child in 1996 and again as an adult in January 2019. Since recommitting her life to following Jesus, she has become involved at her local church in Glendale, AZ as a women’s bible study group leader and scripture reader for Sunday services. Ever since her husband, Torrey, became involved with Be1Make1 in 2021, she has looked forward to the day she would be able to participate in Be1Make1 for women, and she now leads what she refers to as her “super small discipleship group” and is currently in a one-on-one discipleship relationship. She is truly excited and honored to be a part of this wonderful mission!

Cindy Foss Bio
Cindy is a mom of 5 (2 of which are canine babies) and a grandma of 2. She was involved in the fitness industry for 33 years but has retired her leotard and leggings (in the nick of time)! She now works with a horse (and goats, chickens, pigs, sheep, dogs!) rescue ranch as the volunteer coordinator and as a chore volunteer. She helps facilitate bible studies, a ranch prayer chain and a new Cowboy Church at the ranch.
Her hobbies include hugging animals, creating fun art and studying Bible Prophecy! The Lord grabbed her late in life after she saw the movie ‘Passion of the Christ’ and threw her right into the thick of it by planting her in a Revelation study! She and her husband Kim love keeping an eye on the world through the eyes of Prophecy in His written word!
Favorite color: purple (and all the other colors). Favorite food: anything alongside mashed potatoes. Favorite weather: storms with thunder and lightning (pretty sure that thunder is the Lord talking and the lightning is accentuating His point…😊).

Kim Bain Bio
Kim Bain is a sun-soaker from Tampa Florida who is currently living the dream loving on middle school, high school and college age girls. When she isn’t working as the Girls Minister at Idlewild Baptist Church she proudly wears the title of “World’s Funnest Aunt” to her 14 nieces and nephews and wife to the coolest guy she’s ever met, Lyn Bain. By the hair of her chinny-chin-chin, Kim graduated from Southwestern Seminary with an MDiv, and she is living proof that anyone can make it through seminary! Through her papers and lectures and tears she discovered an insatiable love for God’s Word and a passion for teaching others the treasures contained in it. Kim would describe herself as a people-lover, tea-drinker, story-gatherer and would love to pull up a chair right next to you and soak in your God-story. Her favorite phrase is “well, that sounds like fun” and if yours is too, we’re gonna be good friends!

Amanda Moore Bio
Amanda Moore is a Jesus loving cowgirl, animal lover and lover of people. She is a native to Arizona, where she went to Grand Canyon University and studied Secondary Education, Communications and Performing Arts. When most college students leave their faith in college, she met Jesus there. She has been married to her best friend, Christopher for 26 years, and together, with Jesus, formed Reigning Grace Ranch. A non-profit organization that rescues and rehabilitates horses, bringing broken children and families together for an experiential equine partnership superpowered by the Holy Spirit Himself! Amanda holds several certifications including Trauma and Resilience Coaching. What she loves most about the work God has allowed her to do at the ranch, is watching the Holy Spirit move in healing modalities every day. God is SO Good! When Amanda is not playing with kids and horses, she is leading praise and worship at the Cowboy Church at Reigning Grace Ranch.