Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study Founding Principles

1. Know and serve one another persistently. (Proverbs 27:17)
Each week we will be intentional in getting to know each other beyond the surface level. We will do this by — sharing our hearts and lives, praying for one another, asking questions, and bearing each other’s burdens. We will be persistent learners of one another. And with everything we learn — good, bad, or otherwise — we will strive to love and serve one another — meeting each other’s needs, encouraging growth, and helping one another thrive.

2. Depend on the Lord prayerfully. (Philippians 4:6–7)
Prayer will be a fundamental part of our community. We understand that nothing takes place without God allowing it or causing it. He alone holds our very breath in his hands. We will spend time each week in praying with our brothers one to one or in small groups.

3. Meet God through his word faithfully and expectantly. (Psalm 119:9-16)
The Holy Bible will take center stage in our meetings. Only two things will last forever, God’s Word and our souls. The very words on the pages of the bible are the spiritual nourishment for our lives. We will eagerly anticipate God to speak and move each time we open his book. We expect to be changed by the washing of God’s Word over our souls and through the memorization of scripture. We will also share God’s word daily through the internet to encourage each other to be accountable to daily time in God’s Word.

4. Pursue disciples for Jesus boldly and globally. (Matthew 28:19–20)
Our commission from Jesus is very clear: Go, and make disciples. God poured his life into 12 men over three years and his Gospel through them would change the world. We need look no further than the “Great Commission” to understand what we are called to do and realize that this is the “Will of God”. We have been saved for a purpose and that purpose is to serve him through making disciples. God saved us in order to send us. We will witness for Jesus where we are, and send and support witnesses where we are not.

5. Rest in the gospel confidently and humbly.
(1 Corinthians 15:1–4)
The gospel is what has changed our lives. The gospel will be preached each week and everything we think, say, and do as a small group stands on this firm foundation. Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 10:9-10, 10:13 and Ephesians 2:8-10, will be our springboard for sharing the “good news” with others.

6. Work out our salvation soberly and joyfully. (Philippians 2:12–13)
Lastly, we will be committed to becoming more and more like Christ. We understand that we are all sinners saved by grace. Year by year, week by week, even day by day, we will be identifying areas of weakness or failure, receiving forgiveness because of the finished work of Christ, and then working together for change. Only when we see Jesus will we be fully sanctified and eagerly expect the word from Jesus “well done good and faithful servant”.